Cross Roads #12

Four Giraffe Birthday Cake: Generating Visual Illusions with Neural Networks

Lana Sinapayen, Sony CSL Kyoto

May 28, 2020
YouTube Live
Lana Sinapayen presenting on YouTube Live

For our third virtual Cross Roads, Lana Sinapayen joined us from Kyoto.

Lana's abstract:

When faced with an unknown complex system, you will learn much more about how it works from its failures than from its successes. It’s no wonder biologists and neuroscientists rely so much on exquisite analysis of the failure modes of your body and brain!

Through the example of illusory motion, I will argue that Artificial Intelligence can similarly benefit from focusing on mimicking failures rather than successes of the brain.

Thank you to Lana, everyone who attended from around the world, and to our sponsor Cross Compass.

The full presentation is now on YouTube. Don't forget to subscribe!